Sous Vide Chicken
There are few more popular dishes than roast chicken. Particularly when it’s moist and succulent, yet with the skin cooked to perfection. But that can be a tough call in a busy kitchen, where time is money, and resources are often stretched. Too often, the result is just a bit on the dry side, and just bit flavourless. As a consequence, many gourmet restaurateurs don’t include roasts in their menus. At Ilonka Foods, our wholesale meat range includes slow-cooked chicken, using the sous-vide process and you can have orders delivered to your Perth premises.
What is Sous Vide?
“Sous vide” is a French term, for what most of us call “under vacuum”. It was first used a couple of centuries ago, but only recently was it recruited in the search for a way for commercial kitchens and caterers to successfully include roast meats in their menus, safe in the knowledge that their diners will experience meat as they’ve never tasted it before. In the sous vide process, the chicken is sealed in a bag and immersed in water at a low, and carefully controlled temperature – usually 55-600C. And that’s where it stays, for a long, long time – long enough to cook slowly through, but without destroying the cell structure that is the key to great texture. The result is that the flavour stays trapped in the meat, along with the moisture. The meat stays in its sealed bag, which excludes oxygen and contaminants, so that it will stay flavour-fresh until you are ready to use it. Then just finish it to a golden turn in your own oven, and it’s ready to delight your diners.
At Ilonka Foods, we sell slow cooked chicken roll roasts, bursting with flavour, guaranteed to save you kichen time, and give you better results than anything you or your diners have ever tried.
To place an order, call 9351 9696 or send an email inquiry here.
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